Maintenance Lineage
ID | Rank at First Unit | Name (L, F, MI) | Nickname | Specialty | First Unit | Date First Assignment |
13 | A1C | Adank, Travis, W | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Dec-99 | |
80 | SSgt | Aldridge, Robert, W. | Bob | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 01-Oct-90 |
328 | TSgt | Alford, Kevin | Alf | Engines | 20th SOS | 1990 |
179 | SSgt | Allen, Sean | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Mar | |
230 | A1C | Anders, Steven | Anders | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 2006 |
299 | SSgt | Anzur, Eric | E & E | 20th SOS | Jun-91 | |
237 | SSgt | Aragon, Neil | KimJongNeil | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 15-Nov-07 |
381 | SSgt | Aragon, Neil | Kim Jong Neil | Crew Chief | 01-Nov-04 | |
377 | SrA | Archibald | Arch | GACS | 08-01-93 | |
144 | SrA | Archibald, William K | Arch | GCS | 21st SOS | 1993 |
389 | SSgt | Armstrong Michael P. | Engines | 16 the HGS | May-99 | |
368 | SSgt | Armstrong, Mark, J | Longjaw | GACS | Jan-97 | |
23 | SSgt | Armstrong, Michael | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | May-99 | |
268 | MSgt | Arseneault, Bert | Sheet Metal | 20th SOS | 1989 | |
218 | A1C | Arthur, Douglas | BULL | 20th SOS | 1988 | |
131 | SrA | Ashcom, James,L | Banjo | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 01-Feb-98 |
399 | A1C | Attardi, Gino H | Weapons | 353 SOMS | 01-Feb-90 | |
400 | A1C | Attardi, Gino H | Weapons | 353 SOMS | 01-Feb-90 | |
388 | A1C | Backer, John K | Crew Chief | 667SOMS | ||
149 | SSgt | Bacon, Sam | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 02-Mar | |
201 | AB | Bahls, Chris | Engines | 20th SOS | 1990 | |
397 | SSgt | Bailey Michael E | Cornbread | Engines | 16HMXS | May-01 |
156 | SrA | Bailey, Brandon | Beetle | Weapons | 20th SOS | Dec-96 |
117 | SrA | Bardwell, Jeff, A | Comm/Nav | 667 SOMS | 01-Apr-90 | |
303 | SMSgt | Barnett, Bill | 21st SOS | 1991 | ||
135 | SrA | Barron, John | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 02-Jan-07 | |
319 | SrA | Batchelor, Thomas | GACS | 20th SOS | Jun-01 | |
176 | SrA | Bator, Bob | ECM | 20th SOS | Jul-94 | |
278 | SSgt | Bautista, David | GCS | 20th SOS | 2003 | |
223 | SSgt | Baxley, Josh | GAC | 551st SOS | Feb-04 | |
51 | SSgt | Beilman, Norbert J | Nasty Norb | Engines | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-87 |
275 | MSgt | Bell, Ben | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1981 | |
297 | TSgt | Bell, Mark | Mullethead | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1982 |
160 | SrA | Bennett, Brenda J | Engines | 20th SOS | 90 | |
143 | SSgt | Bevans, Mitchel | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Mar-90 | |
362 | Amn | Blake, John J. | Crew Chief | 21-Oct-92 | ||
147 | CMSgt | Blakeborough, Bob | Blake | Crew Chief | 41st RWRW | Jun-82 |
222 | TSgt | Blocker, Daniel | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1996 | |
250 | TSgt | Bogan, Ronald | E & E | 20th SOS | 01-Jul | |
65 | A1C | Bohl, Jared J | Comm/Nav | 551st SOS | 12-Jul-04 | |
9 | Sgt | Bolliger, Chris, J. | Engines | 21st SOS | 01-Jan-93 | |
220 | Sgt | Bond, Shannon | Wild Turkey | Engines | 20th SOS | 1986 |
138 | SSgt | Bowman, Mark | Electrician | 551st SOS | 1995 | |
6 | Sgt | Boykin, John | GACS | 20th SOS | 1988 | |
5 | SrA | Breyfogle, Michael D | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-May-91 | |
142 | TSgt | Bricker, Douglas | Engines | 20th SOS | 1998 | |
82 | SSgt | Bucy, Jason L | Jay | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-99 |
330 | MSgt | Bumann, Paul | Weapons | 20th SOS | 1989 | |
69 | A1C | Burnes, Robert | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 26-May-03 | |
253 | TSgt | Bursnall, Chris | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-92 | |
228 | MSgt | Bustillos, Rebecca | Hydraulics | 21st SOS | 01-Feb-97 | |
36 | TSgt | Cagle, Jay W. | Combat | Weapons | 20th SOS | 24-Jun-01 |
229 | MSgt | Cain, Garrett | Caino | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Sep-98 |
281 | MSgt | Caparra, John | Avionics | 20th SOS | Apr-92 | |
205 | MSgt | Carbine, Paul | PD | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Mar-85 |
341 | TSgt | Cardwell, Jesse | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Jan-05 | |
246 | MSgt | Carlberg, Robert | CB | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | Jun-96 |
10 | SrA | Carlton, Beau | Weapons | 551st SOS | 01-Feb-09 | |
121 | Amn | Carpenter, Charles | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jul-92 | |
342 | SrA | Carpenter, Stephen L | Carp | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Feb-04 |
254 | SrA | Carter, Michael | GACS | 20th SOS | Jun-99 | |
243 | SSgt | Chamberlain, Raymond | 551st SOS | Mar-02 | ||
305 | SrA | Cheh, Ernest Christian | Energizer Bunny | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-90 |
106 | TSgt | Chia, Don E | Paco | GACS | 20th SOS | 13-Oct-93 |
232 | SrA | Chisholm, Phillip | 20th SOS | Feb-02 | ||
32 | AB | Chris J, Schultz | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 21-Nov-96 | |
187 | Sgt | Ciaccio, Michael | Sach | Crew Chief | 1551st SOS | Mar-78 |
284 | Sgt | Ciolek, Danny | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jan-84 | |
19 | SSgt | Cirioni, Jason | The Don | 20th SOS | 20-May-00 | |
238 | SSgt | Clark, Mike | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1988 | |
332 | SMSgt | Clark, Tom | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1990 | |
183 | A1C | Cleaton, Donald | Don | 20th SOS | 01-Apr-90 | |
31 | Amn | Clevinger, Vincent N | Clev | Comm/Nav | 551st SOS | 11-Jan-97 |
337 | SSgt | Closs, Keith | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1998 | |
66 | SSgt | Cochran, Randy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 13-Jun-05 | |
379 | SrA | Colbert, Donice J | DJ | Com/Nav | 16-Nov-96 | |
209 | SSgt | Cole, Glenroy | "Big Cole" | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 07-Oct-02 |
226 | SSgt | Coleman, Justin | Engines | 20th SOS | May-03 | |
21 | SSgt | Coley, Zach | GACS | 21st SOS | 03-Mar | |
372 | SrA | Combs, Michael W. | JC | GCAS | 02-01-00 | |
394 | Amn | Connell, Thomas L. | Sensors | 20 SOS | 25-May-82 | |
102 | SrA | Cook, David A | Cookie | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 01-May-97 |
386 | SSgt | Cook, Michael, A | E & E | 16 HGS | Apr-98 | |
382 | SrA | Cook, Seth A. | Crew Chief | 2001 | ||
186 | SrA | Corbridge, James | Cornbread | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | Aug-93 |
375 | SrA | Cox, Philip | Com/Nav | 13-Dec-99 | ||
192 | SSgt | Crecelius, Joshua | E&E | 21st SOS | 25-Mar-05 | |
161 | SMSgt | Cuellar, Tony | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 1990 | |
150 | TSgt | Cunningham, Jeff | JC | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-85 |
79 | Amn | Curtis, Chris | GACS | 352 AMXS | 02-Aug-99 | |
17 | SSgt | Davis, Bruce H. | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Mar-80 | |
289 | SSgt | Davis, Reece | Sheet Metal | 20th SOS | Aug-04 | |
89 | Sgt | Dawson, Willie T Jr | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 02-Jul-98 | |
25 | SSgt | Dean, Dennis | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-May-93 | |
211 | Amn | DeBeaux, Tim | DBo | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jul-92 |
353 | MSgt | Denenberg, Dave | Sensors | 11-01-84 | ||
1 | Amn | DePersio (Kiernan), Vince | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Oct-92 | |
231 | SSgt | Dixon, John | Dickiee | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Apr-93 |
333 | TSgt | Dossett, Brad | Engines | 20th SOS | Oct-00 | |
133 | TSgt | Doughty, Bruce | E & E | 31st SOS | 05-Oct-94 | |
376 | TSgt | Downing, Jeffrey B | GACS | 12-01-98 | ||
350 | SrA | Dudek, William J | 18-Nov-01 | |||
3 | A1C | Duncan, Scott P. | Engines | 31st SOS | 20-Oct-92 | |
48 | SSgt | Dutton, Thomas | Tommy | E & E | 551st SOS | Jan-00 |
331 | SSgt | Edmundson, Rich | Flash | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1981 |
360 | SSgt | Ehle, Ryan J | Crew Chief | 12-08-01 | ||
127 | SSgt | Ellenburg, Sean M | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 28-Nov-02 | |
126 | Sgt | Ellis, Tobias A | Toby | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 20-Jul-02 |
348 | SrA | Embrey, Richard W. III | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | May-03 | |
294 | TSgt | Epperson, Eric | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1998 | |
104 | SrA | Eshelman, Chad R | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jan-96 | |
165 | SrA | Ewing, Chad | 21st SOS | Jan-00 | ||
216 | SSgt | Fast, Clint | 21st SOS | Apr-94 | ||
307 | SrA | Felker, Michael | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-07 | |
67 | SrA | Fernandes, Christian | Fern | Engines | 551st SOS | 04-Apr-02 |
364 | SrA | Ferrigno, Bart | Comm/Nav | 1991 | ||
390 | Amn | Fite, Eric V | Avionics | 1550 CRS | 21-Mar-90 | |
185 | MSgt | Fleming, Chester | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1980 | |
260 | MSgt | Ford, Robert O. | 20th SOS | 1979 | ||
190 | SSgt | Fortenberry, James | Fort | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1998 |
177 | Sgt | Fowler, James | Engines | 20th SOS | 2004 | |
53 | TSgt | Franklin, James (Rob) | Woodstock | Sensors | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-84 |
182 | MSgt | Frazier, Paul | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | Nov-99 | |
29 | A1C | Freeman, Andy | GCS | 20th SOS | 01-Jul-01 | |
91 | A1C | Freeman, Michael | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Jul-03 | |
163 | SrA | Frizzell, Brad | Frizz | 21st SOS | 1988 | |
30 | SrA | Frost, Stephen | Frosty | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 01-Sep-93 |
391 | Sgt | Fryman, Jeff | GCS | 20th sos | 08-07-91 | |
84 | Sgt | Gainer, Robert H | Bob | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Nov-91 |
145 | MSgt | Gali, Blas S. Jr | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1985 | |
40 | AB | Gall, Jeremy G | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Dec-92 | |
267 | SrA | Garcia, Cynthia | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | Nov-04 | |
44 | A1C | Gibbs, Gregory P | GACS | 21st SOS | 19-Jan-86 | |
304 | MSgt | Gilbertson, Mike | Gilby | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1982 |
62 | SrA | Gillespie, John I | Gilly | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 02-Oct |
233 | TSgt | Gilmore, Steve | Steve | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | Oct-92 |
371 | TSgt | Gilmore, Steven G | Steve | Crew Chief | 03-09-97 | |
202 | MSgt | Goerke, John | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1989 | |
90 | AB | Gonzales, Ernie | Gonzo | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Apr-91 |
93 | A1C | Gould, Jeremy T | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Jul-99 | |
282 | TSgt | Gray, Brian | Rusty | 551st SOS | Jul-96 | |
343 | TSgt | Green, Leslie E. | 551st SOS | Jan-00 | ||
34 | TSgt | Green, Lewis E Jr. | Lew | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Oct-96 |
46 | SSgt | Greene, Randy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Sep-00 | |
111 | SrA | Gregory, Kyle | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Dec-91 | |
316 | TSgt | Griffin, Matthew | Griff | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Mar-93 |
7 | Sgt | Hackney, Sean E | Crew Chief | 1551st FTS | 01-Aug-91 | |
57 | SSgt | Hagen, Michael | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 04-Jan | |
355 | SrA | Hall, Jamie | Hydraulics | 04-01-94 | ||
345 | SrA | Halverson, Erik | Crew Chief | Oct-95 | ||
312 | CMSgt | Halvorson, David | GCS | 20th SOS | 1992 | |
129 | AB | Hamilton, Randy E | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 06-Oct-86 | |
168 | SSgt | Happeny, Joel | Crew Chief | 551st FTS | Jun-90 | |
120 | Sgt | Haro, Larry | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-91 | |
236 | MSgt | Havrilek | Engines | 20th SOS | 1994 | |
108 | SrA | Henson, David | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-May-86 | |
247 | CMSgt | Hess, Roy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1988 | |
172 | TSgt | Hetzel, Andy | Hetzel | Sensors/Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1992 |
235 | SrA | Hildebrand, Robert | JayBird | Weapons | 20th SOS | 2006 |
269 | MSgt | Hilden, Michael | 31st SOS | Apr-12 | ||
22 | SrA | Hobbs, Terry J | GACS | 31st SOS | 01-Jul-98 | |
95 | Amn | Holden, Michael E | Mike | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 16-Jul-03 |
340 | A1C | Holko, Michael | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Jan-01 | |
212 | SrA | Holliday, Matthew | Doc | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jan-94 |
285 | TSgt | Hooke, Adam | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | Sep-09 | |
206 | SSgt | Hooker, Brett | 20th SOS | Apr-01 | ||
97 | AB | Hopen, Richard C | Smoken Hopen | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 18-Jun-05 |
59 | AB | Hughes, Clifford C. | Cliffy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-92 |
300 | SSgt | Hurst, Richard H | Hickory | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 1982 |
100 | SSgt | Iadarola, Rob D | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Jan-94 | |
259 | SSgt | Irwin, Anthony | Fat Tony | E & E | 20th SOS | Oct-03 |
283 | SSgt | Iskat, Karl | KITKAT | 20th SOS | May-89 | |
292 | TSgt | Jackson, Aundoy | "AJ" | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Sep-99 |
258 | SSgt | Jakel, Chad | 21st SOS | 1994 | ||
146 | TSgt | Jarvis, Ricky | Cookie | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1977 |
204 | SrA | Jay, Robert | Weapons | 20th SOS | ||
128 | SrA | Johnson, James L. | Jimmy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-May-00 |
81 | Amn | Johnston, Robert B | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Nov-98 | |
256 | MSgt | Jones, David | Davey | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Oct-88 |
188 | SSgt | Jones, Riley | 21st SOS | Sep-00 | ||
60 | TSgt | Just, Edward | Just Ed | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 30-May-87 |
139 | TSgt | Justice, David | Dave | E & E | 551st SOS | 1995 |
207 | SSgt | Kaelble, Charles | TYCO | Crew chief | 20th SOS | 1998 |
370 | SSgt | Kay, Scott A. | Yakas | Comm/Nav | 01-12-92 | |
86 | SSgt | Keefer, Gary D. | Sensors | 21st SOS | 01-Mar-88 | |
52 | TSgt | Kendall, Kristopher | Kris | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-96 |
54 | AB | Keys, Andy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Aug-92 | |
396 | SrA | King, Jeffrey N | GAC Backshop | 31st SOS | 15-Sep-94 | |
47 | AB | Kinsey, Mark E | Crew Chief | 67 ARRS | 01-May-88 | |
239 | AB | Kireta, Mike | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | ||
125 | SMSgt | Kirk, Kendall L | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 07-Dec-97 | |
392 | Amn | Klemp, Brian R. | Sheet Metal | 352d SOMS | Mar-93 | |
338 | A1C | Knox, Bryant | Mechie | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 1993 |
203 | SSgt | Kostrzewski, Michael | SKI | 20th SOS | 1999 | |
227 | SSgt | Kotz, Michael | Mike | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 07-Jun-11 |
293 | SSgt | Kutemeyer, Kevin | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2006 | |
26 | SSgt | Ladd, Tim | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Dec-00 | |
2 | A1C | Lamb, Bobby A. | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 01-Jan-97 | |
280 | SrA | Larimore, Chris | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | Jan-02 | |
77 | SSgt | Lasky, Ron | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jan-89 | |
326 | SrA | Lauer, Jason S. | Jay | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | Dec-98 |
402 | A1C | Laws Jasen | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 11-10-01 | |
234 | SSgt | Leick, Dan | EW | 20th SOS | 1994 | |
68 | AB | Lemon, John F. | Engines | 551st SOS | 02-May-98 | |
224 | SrA | Lepley, Joseph | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 06-Apr-01 | |
335 | SrA | Levant, Arthur | Art | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 10-Jun-03 |
198 | SSgt | Lopez, Heather F | Sensors, Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 2001 | |
347 | SMSgt | Lopez, Marc | Engines | 29-Oct-90 | ||
151 | SSgt | Lucas, Lou | 31st SOS | 1985 | ||
217 | SSgt | Lucero, Joshua | Lucy | E & E | 21st SOS | |
98 | Amn | Luckado, David | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 01-Oct-98 | |
72 | A1C | Luedtke, Aaron | Cheezbuger | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 26-May-03 |
174 | A1C | Luna, David | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 20-Feb-01 | |
225 | SrA | Luogameno, Matthew | Lugi | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Apr-06 |
148 | CMSgt | Lynn, Jon | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 04-Apr | |
75 | TSgt | MacDonald, Dennis E. | Mac | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-May-80 |
339 | SrA | MacDonald, Michael | Mac | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Feb-02 |
37 | Sgt | MacKenzie, Walt | GCS | 20th SOS | 03-Sep | |
11 | A1C | Mahoney, Steven | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 25-Feb-91 | |
83 | SrA | Main, Troy P. | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 23-Jun-05 | |
103 | A1C | Malone, Matthew | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 01-Feb-94 | |
352 | SrA | Mangold, Robert | Sensors | 15-Jul-96 | ||
155 | SSgt | Mansfield, Brady | GAC | 31st SOS | Nov-99 | |
196 | SSgt | Maples, Jeremy | GACS | 21st SOS | Aug-04 | |
208 | MSgt | Mark Kinsey | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1981 | |
310 | SrA | Marquez, Robert | Robear | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1886 |
322 | SSgt | Marshall, Patrick | Pat | Avionics | 21st SOS | 2003 |
366 | SrA | Martell, Kevin A. | Sensors | 15-Jun-88 | ||
99 | AB | Martinez, Andy C | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Jul-91 | |
12 | A1C | Martinez, Floyd | Marty | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 01-Apr-91 |
334 | TSgt | Maydwell, William | Mayday | 21st SOS | Sep-94 | |
87 | TSgt | Mayhew, Michael* | Sensors | 1551st FTS | ||
313 | SrA | McCoy, Stuart | Stu | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1993 |
122 | Amn | McDonald, Robert D. | Bobby Mac | Crew Chief | 67 ARRS | 01-Aug-86 |
118 | Amn | McFadden, Craig | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Mar-87 | |
311 | SSgt | Mcglothlin, John | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1989 | |
134 | SSgt | McGonagle, Matt | Mac | Engines | 20th SOS | 01-Apr-06 |
173 | MSgt | McGruder, Stephen | Scooter | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1989 |
64 | TSgt | McLaughlin, Dennis | Mac | Crew Chief | 834 CRS | 01-Dec-82 |
42 | Amn | Mercer, Joshua L. | Huggy Bear | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 01-Mar-98 |
257 | TSgt | Mercer, Lorena | Rita | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Sep-87 |
96 | A1C | Meredith, Kyle W. | Afro Thunder | GACS | 20th SOS | 04-Apr-03 |
288 | MSgt | Michael, Anthony W. | Tony | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | 1993 |
73 | SSgt | Miller, Mike | Buff | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 1979 |
85 | A1C | Miner, Brian W | (Big) Country | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Feb-99 |
28 | SrA | Miner, Robert E. II | Bob | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-91 |
298 | SrA | Mitchell, Scott | Hydraulics | 31st SOS | 1993 | |
159 | SSgt | Molina, Nelson | rod | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Aug-02 |
4 | SSgt | Molzahn, Michael A. | Engines | 31st SOS | 07-Jul-98 | |
167 | Amn | Montgomery, Kevin | Monty | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 08-May-98 |
107 | Amn | Montgomery, Michael D. | Monty | Sensors | 834 CRS | 17-Mar-87 |
367 | Sgt | Moore, William J. | Bill | Crew Chief | 09-03-88 | |
115 | A1C | Morgan, Gina | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 26-Jun-98 | |
169 | SSgt | Morrelli, Jennifer | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 17-Oct-02 | |
55 | A1C | Mroczko, Kevin M | Rosco | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 01-Feb-09 |
18 | MSgt | Mullins, Jimmy | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 1994 | |
277 | SrA | Munn, Donald | Munnstache | 21st SOS | Feb-07 | |
403 | SrA | Myers Edward D | Crew Chief | 16 EMS | Jun-94 | |
290 | SSgt | Neisent, Brian | CREW CHIEF | 20th SOS | Nov-86 | |
279 | SSgt | Nelson, Darryl | "Nav Nelson" | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1980 |
296 | TSgt | Newell, Tim | Noodle | GACS | 551st SOS | 1994 |
351 | MSgt | Nimrichter, Joe | Crew Chief | 01-11-89 | ||
265 | SrA | Nobile, James | JW | Engines | 21st SOS | Apr-04 |
74 | A1C | Nutgrass, Michael P. | Nut | Engines | 667 CAMS | 01-Oct-88 |
116 | Amn | O'Connor, Jason D. | GACS | 20th SOS | 07-Jan-93 | |
213 | TSgt | Opdycke, Jim | Opie | Engines | 31st SOS | May-94 |
301 | SSgt | Otto, Dan | E & E | 20th SOS | May-96 | |
181 | A1C | Pacholl, Jon | Paco | GACS | 41st RWRW | 1983 |
110 | A1C | Page, Marc, A | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 12-Jun-05 | |
114 | A1C | Palmer, Robert | Rosie | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Dec-00 |
272 | MSgt | Parris, Travis | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-91 | |
380 | AB | Pasket, David W. | Crew Chief | 20-Sep-94 | ||
354 | SrA | Patterson, Jason M. | Crew Chief | 01-Jun-92 | ||
153 | SSgt | Paul, Jason | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Feb-01 | |
158 | SrA | Pedersen, Robert | Bones | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Oct-02 |
157 | SrA | Pederson, Eric | EP | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 10-Jun-03 |
78 | SSgt | Pein, Josh | OSH | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Aug-98 |
210 | SrA | Penhallegon, Timothy | 20th SOS | Apr-97 | ||
193 | Sgt | Perdue, David | 21st SOS | 1986 | ||
308 | Sgt | Perry, Nathan | Generic | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1986 |
70 | A1C | Peters, Andrew | The Machine | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 26-May-03 |
242 | SSgt | Pezzelle, Ryan | Pezz | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 08-Apr |
244 | SSgt | Pineau, Joseph | GACS | 20th SOS | 25-Sep-00 | |
383 | SSgt | Pochiba, Robin, A | Rob | Comm Nav | 20th SOS | 30-Apr-80 |
43 | TSgt | Potter, Ryan | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 08-Jul-00 | |
27 | SrA | Pritchett, Chuck W | Triple C | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-83 |
141 | SrA | Prodan, Jon | 20th SOS | 24-Apr-06 | ||
164 | MSgt | Quebedeaux, Kurt | Q | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2010 |
113 | A1C | Rachiele, Thomas | Tom | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Dec-00 |
119 | AB | Rammel, Bruce D | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Dec-85 | |
123 | SrA | Ray, Allen | GACS | 1551st FTS | Dec-79 | |
162 | MSgt | Ray, Anthony J. | T-Ray | 31st SOS | Sep-93 | |
318 | TSgt | Ray, Cecil A. | Doppler Weenie | 41st RWRW | 1979 | |
214 | SSgt | Rector, Jeffrey | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1999 | |
323 | SrA | Reddy, Frank | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 2004 | |
255 | SSgt | Reed, Dan | Dano | 31st SOS | 17-Mar-93 | |
276 | MSgt | Render, John C. Jr. | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Feb-85 | |
358 | A1C | Rerko, Richard Michael | Comm\Nav | 01-Feb-88 | ||
194 | A1C | Revees, Andrew | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 2003 | |
92 | SSgt | Rice, Donald S. | Comm/Nav | 551st SOS | 01-Aug-94 | |
346 | TSgt | Rice, Jon | Crew Chief | 07-Jul-93 | ||
136 | SrA | Richard, Daryl | E/E | 20th SOS | 02-Dec-09 | |
170 | SrA | Richardson, Russell | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | Oct-90 | |
50 | SSgt | Riley, Joseph C | Comm/Nav | 834 CRS | 01-Nov-88 | |
273 | Sgt | Roach, Delbert | Jr | 20th SOS | May-87 | |
373 | SrA | Roback, Mattthew W. | Weapons | Sep-79 | ||
241 | SrA | Roberson, Chris | Robo | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1989 |
274 | SrA | Robertson, Kevin | Robey | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2001 |
63 | TSgt | Robinson, Dale K. | Robbie | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Nov-86 |
61 | TSgt | Robinson, Gary L. | Comm/Nav | 834 CRS | 01-Jul-80 | |
378 | A1C | Rockwell, Lucian G. | Comm/Nav | 22-11-02 | ||
140 | A1C | Rogers, Cameron | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | Jun-91 | |
101 | SrA | Rogers, John | Shitbird | Crew Chief | 31st SOS | Oct-90 |
361 | SrA | Rogers, John H | Crew Chief | 08-01-90 | ||
152 | SrA | Rogers, Jonathan | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | Jun-94 | |
240 | SSgt | Rojas, Manuel | Manny | 551st SOS | Jun-01 | |
252 | MSgt | Rose, Benjamin | Weapons | 20th SOS | 1989 | |
251 | SrA | Rose, Jason | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 1993 | |
58 | A1C | Ross, Jamieson S | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 05-Mar-01 | |
398 | CMSgt | Rubio, Gonzalo | Gonzo | Crew Chief | 20 SOS | Feb-92 |
132 | SSgt | Ruhstorfer, Mike | Ruh | GCS | 21st SOS | 03-Nov-00 |
369 | A1C | Rusan, Dustin G | Comm/Nav | 06-10-04 | ||
295 | SrA | Russell, Scott | The Love Muscle | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Apr-02 |
197 | SSgt | Salazar III, Joseph | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 19-Jul-02 | |
317 | MSgt | Santos, Kenneth | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1993 | |
137 | SrA | Sasser, Tonya | Sensors | 31st SOS | Nov-94 | |
286 | TSgt | Saxe, Cielito | Joe | 20th SOS | Dec-96 | |
215 | SrA | Schellenger, Drew | Snakes | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2006 |
88 | SrA | Schock, Christopher R. | Engines | 551st SOS | 05-Apr-09 | |
199 | MSgt | Scott, Christopher | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | ||
38 | SrA | Seal, Rick, A | Weapons | 20th SOS | 01-Dec-86 | |
336 | TSgt | Sharp, Victor | Weapons | 21st SOS | Aug-97 | |
315 | MSgt | Shaw, Laurence | 20th SOS | 1992 | ||
184 | TSgt | Sheldon, Brandon | Shelby | 20th SOS | 2002 | |
271 | Maj | Shilling, Michael | Mofo | 20th SOS | 15-Nov-95 | |
395 | A1C | Short, Jonathan R | Crew Chief | 16 HMXS | 04-07-06 | |
71 | A1C | Short, Trenton | Shorty Bear | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 26-May-03 |
314 | Sgt | Siegel, Thomas m | Birdie | 21st SOS | Nov-85 | |
270 | SSgt | Silvis, Andrew | Drew | ECM | 20th SOS | 17-Oct-81 |
15 | SSgt | Simon, Michael | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 04-Apr-01 | |
359 | TSgt | Sindall, Damon | Crew Chief | 20-Dec-97 | ||
365 | A1C | Sisson, Martin C | Marty | Comm/Nav | Jul-91 | |
191 | SSgt | Skinner, Casey | Engines | 20th SOS | 1983 | |
56 | A1C | Smeaton, Robert | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 02-Jan-02 | |
306 | SrA | Smith, Roger | Weapons | 20th SOS | Oct-93 | |
363 | SSgt | Smith, Ryan S | Weapons | 10-05-05 | ||
327 | SSgt | Smith, Thomas | Smithy | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2003 |
325 | SrA | Soetaert, Tim | Comm-Nav | 20th SOS | 1992 | |
189 | SSgt | Soles, Sean | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 17-Dec-01 | |
245 | SrA | Sonnier, Darrin | Sonar | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1993 |
16 | Amn | Sorensen, Jonathan E | Jon | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 01-May-88 |
387 | AB | Sparks, William P. | E & E | 352nd HMU | 28-Dec-05 | |
200 | SSgt | Speight, Terry | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | May-91 | |
130 | SrA | Stackle, Michael R | Stack | Engines | 20th SOS | 01-Aug-99 |
248 | SSgt | Steadman, Mark | Steady | Comm/Nav | 20th SOS | 1989 |
264 | SrA | Stoermer, Jeff | Spanky | Life Support | 20th SOS | 1995 |
329 | AB | Taber, Tony | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 08-Jan-90 | |
349 | MSgt | Taylor, Monte | Crew Chief | 03-Sep-99 | ||
266 | SSgt | Tessendorf, Jeffrey | 20th SOS | Jun-06 | ||
374 | MSgt | Thayer, Jason W | Crew Chief | 05-01-88 | ||
76 | AB | Thibert, Richard J. | Rick | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Nov-90 |
112 | Amn | Thomas, Michael D | Crew Chief | 1551st FTS | 01-Nov-77 | |
291 | SrA | Thompson, Brian | Comm Nav | 31st SOS | 1993 | |
24 | A1C | Thorn, Kevin A. | Weapons | 31st SOS | 14-Oct-92 | |
393 | A1C | Tikalsky, Ben | Skelly | Crew Chief | 16 HGS | 2001 |
309 | MSgt | Todd, Nathan | Com/Nav | 20th SOS | 1999 | |
261 | Sgt | Torrez, Robert | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | 1983 | |
124 | Amn | Trainer, Dale | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-92 | |
356 | A1C | Trudell, Stephen | Pete | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-86 |
320 | SSgt | Tuck, Justin | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 1999 | |
33 | Sgt | Turman, James | Turbo | 21st SOS | Aug-91 | |
14 | SSgt | Turner, Gregory | Raven | EW | 31st SOS | 1989 |
384 | AB | Tyrell, Joseph R | Engines | 20TH SOS | 12-05-86 | |
221 | MSgt | Underwood, Todd | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Sep-84 | |
166 | MSgt | Van Lorynen, Bob | Otto | Pro Super | 20th SOS | Oct-93 |
171 | TSgt | Van Pelt, John | VP | 21st SOS | Apr-98 | |
302 | TSgt | Varnes, Dennis | Engines | 31st SOS | Nov-96 | |
35 | TSgt | Vega, Luis M. | Louie | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1986 |
154 | SrA | Vickery, Kent | Vic | crewcheif | 20th SOS | 1986 |
263 | SSgt | Voit, Kyle | Veeto | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | Dec-00 |
20 | AB | Von Loh, Frank C | Freaky Frank | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Aug-86 |
321 | SrA | Walker, Rob | ECM | 20th SOS | 1990 | |
41 | SSgt | Washington, Benjamin | Sonny | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Jun-00 |
357 | TSgt | Watts,Daryl | Crew Chief | 01-01-91 | ||
180 | TSgt | Weaver, James | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Feb-94 | |
195 | SSgt | Weiss, Adam | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 1997 | |
178 | SSgt | Welboan, Josepf | Crew Chief | 551st SOS | 01-Aug | |
324 | SrA | Wenk, Tony | Hydraulics | 20th SOS | Sep-99 | |
287 | Amn | Westmoreland, Jason | Westy | Crew Chief | 551st FTS | Dec-91 |
94 | SrA | Whilden, Mark | Whip | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 09-Jun-05 |
45 | SrA | White, Kelly | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Jun-94 | |
262 | SrA | Whitehurst, Ben | "Bucky" | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | Sep-04 |
401 | SSgt | Wiggins, Eric, B | Crew Chief | 16 HMXS | 25-May-04 | |
109 | A1C | Willard, Cory | GACS | 20th SOS | 01-Apr-93 | |
249 | MSgt | Wing, Kenneth | 20th SOS | Jul-71 | ||
8 | MSgt | Wolfe, Jan R. S. | 21st SOS | May-00 | ||
175 | SSgt | Wright, Jeffrey | El Jefe | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 06-Apr-01 |
219 | SSgt | Yates, William | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 2002 | |
385 | SrA | Yester, Michael | Crew Chief | 16th HGS | 21-Apr-96 | |
344 | SSgt | Young, Kelly | Crew Chief | 1976 | ||
105 | Amn | Zitka, Kevin J. | Z | Crew Chief | 20th SOS | 01-Sep-86 |
39 | A1C | Zitzner, Tony | Tip Cap | Crew Chief | 21st SOS | 06-Feb |
49 | SrA | Zuber, Sean | Engines | 20th SOS | 02-Nov-95 |